Mentoring Youth Through The Power Of Aqua Body Strong™
Using interactive and fun aquatic programming as a tool for empowering, team building and developing social and community cohesion.
The most powerful tools for youth are a strong sense of community, a strong sense of self, and having positive, motivating activities and role models in their lives. The right aquatic programming offers all of these things and more. Keep reading to learn about mentoring youth through the power of Aqua Body Strong™.

Building Life Skills
Life skills are abilities and behaviors that help people effectively deal with the events and challenges of everyday life, from interactions with others to identifying and processing emotions. ABS™Kids classes help kids develop life skills by:
Providing positive experiences that support healthy development
Training kids how to work towards a common goal
Encouraging effective communication with peers
Teaching youth how to play by the rules

Participating in ABS™ Kids programming also helps build an inner sense of pride in self and community. As kids conquer challenges, develop new skills, and achieve personal goals they gain confidence and are able to celebrate their accomplishments.

Aqua Body Strong Water Fitness Boards™ can be used for a variety of activities from kids classes and floating platforms for child and adult swim lessons to cross training tools for athletes, in-service and team building programs for lifeguards and other staff and summer camps.
Interested in purchasing water fitness equipment? Check out our product selection to find the best equipment for your facility.
For More Information on our Products or Trainings
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