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ABS™ Aqua Board is a balance and strength-based water-fitness class that uses inflatable, tethered Aqua Body Strong™ boards in a pool, lake, or marina for a total-body, core strengthening workout for all fitness levels. This training modality challenges the body to maintain proper postural control and alignment while moving through a series of transitional movements on the board increasing balance, strength, endurance, flexibility, and focus.

AquaBodyStrong - Get Inspired. Stay Active!

AquaBodyStrong - Get Inspired. Stay Active!

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Certification Training

Aqua Body Strong™ offers both in-person and online certification training. Backed by AFFA (Athletics and Fitness Association of America) and AEA (Aquatic Education Association), instructors receive 6 Continuing Education Units for completing ABS™ Aqua Board certification training.

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Aqua Board Certification Training

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