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Arm Exercises

Your Stability & Fitness Workout Starts Here!

Strengthen your biceps and triceps with these simply arm exercises.

Down Dog

Starting Position: Kneel on the mat with your feet together behind you. Bend forward and place your hands shoulder-width apart, fingers facing forward, on the mat.  Move into a push-up position, with your hands directly under your shoulders.

Upward Phase: While maintaining a tight torso and straight arms and legs, exhale and send your hips backwards and upwards, creating an inverted-V shape with your body.  Keep your head aligned with your spine and  stretch your heels towards the floor.

Downward Phase: Inhale and return to starting push-up position.

Body Parts:

Arms, Back, Butt/Hips. Legs, Full-Body

Difficulty: Intermediate


Starting Position: Place hands slightly outside shoulders at chest level. Feet should be hip-width distance apart with toes facing forward. Pull your belly button in and tighten your abdominal muscles to ensure your lower back maintains a neutral curve  Make certain the head is positioned so the ears are in line with the shoulders. They should not drop down toward the floor or looking up in front of the body.

Downward Phase:

Engage the core, squeeze the glutes.

bend the elbows to lower the chest, hips, and head in one movement toward the board.

Upward  Phase:

Keeping even pressure through both hands, engage the pectorals and push the board away from you. Keep your energy focused in your core and not in your toes. Return to starting position.

Body Parts:

Abs, Butt/Hips

Difficulty: Beginner

Three Legged Dog

Starting Position: Kneel on the mat with your feet together behind you. Bend forward and place your hands shoulder-width apart, fingers facing forward, on the mat.  Move into a push-up position, with your hands directly under your shoulders.

Upward Phase: While maintaining a tight torso and straight arms and legs, exhale and send your hips backwards and upwards, creating an inverted-V shape with your body.  Keep your head aligned with your spine and  stretch your heels towards the floor. Lift one leg up while keeping your hips facing toward the board.

Downward Phase: Inhale and return to starting push-up position.

Body Parts:

Back, Arms, Legs, Butt

Difficulty: Intermediate

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Exercises By Body Part 

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