Aqua Body Strong
Workout Resource Center
Make your next Aqua Body Strong class a fun, purposeful workout that promotes good health, positive self-identity, and community. Click on the links below to download workout notes.
Put your fitness to the test with ABS Strength, the new, balance-and-strength based water workout that challenges you to maintain proper postural control and alignment while performing Yoga, HIIT, Pilates and resistance band exercises on the Aqua Body Strong board. You'll burn calories, increase strength, balance, endurance, and focus while having the time of your life!
ABS Kids, the fun, new, interactive workout performed on an Aqua Body Strong fitness board, keeps kids engaged, physically fit and builds executive function skills to improve focus, planning, and control. Structured physical activities, team-based drills and confidence-building games will have your kids begging for their next Aqua Body Strong session!
Active Agers are going to love this low impact, core stabilization, workout that is gentle on the body and above all fun! Build strength and endurance with water resistance exercises. Strengthen joints, increase flexibility, and stay healthy with our Aqua Body Strong workout designed specifically for you. All are performed sitting down, and designed to improve strength, posture, and proprioception.
Performed in the most serene of settings; a sparkling pool, ocean marina or glassy lake, ABS Flow engages every muscle in your body by incorporating yoga postures with strong energetic transitions. Tone your body, build balance and flexibility, and increase your metabolism. Post-workout the sense of joyful freedom you found on the board will follow you throughout the day with more energy, a tighter core and a lighter spirit.